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Rev. esp. sanid. penit ; 26(1): 35-43, Ene-Abr. 2024. tab
Article in English, Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231145


La vacunación ha sido tradicionalmente una de las actividades de prevención primaria a la que mayor esfuerzo se ha dedicado en las instituciones penitenciarias españolas. Una vez más, la pandemia de coronavirus de tipo 2 causante del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo (SARS-CoV-2) ha puesto de manifiesto la importancia de la vacunación en el control de las enfermedades inmunoprevenibles. Tras superar la emergencia sanitaria provocada por la enfermedad del coronavirus de 2019 (COVID-19), tenemos por delante el reto de recuperar las coberturas vacunales que teníamos antes de la pandemia, además de aumentar las de otras vacunas con menor implantación en nuestro medio. Entre las estrategias de mejora que se deben implementar, estaría la optimización de la transmisión de la información sanitaria entre centros penitenciarios dependientes de diferentes administraciones. También sería deseable poder acceder a los sistemas de información sobre vacunas de las diferentes comunidades autónomas, tanto para conocer el estado vacunal de los pacientes como para notificar las dosis administradas durante el periodo de internamiento, así como mejorar las estadísticas vacunales disponibles en prisión.(AU)

Vaccination has traditionally been one of the primary prevention activities to which most effort has been devoted in Spanish penitentiary institutions. Once again, the type 2 coronavirus pandemic causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has highlighted the importance of vaccination in the control of immunopreventable diseases.After overcoming the health emergency caused by the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), we face the challenge of recovering the vaccination coverage we had before the pandemic, in addition to increasing the coverage of other vaccines with lesser implantation in our environment. Among the improvement strategies to be implemented would be the optimization of the transmission of health information between penitentiary centers dependent on different administrations. It would also be desirable to be able to access the vaccine information systems of the different autonomous communities, both to know the vaccination status of patients and to report the doses administered during the period of internment, as well as to improve the vaccine statistics available in prison.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Public Health , Prisons/organization & administration , Vaccination Coverage , Vaccination , Vaccines
Cult. cuid ; 28(68): 189-200, Abr 10, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-232322


El objetivo de la presente investigación es conocer el papelque cumplió el Protomedicato en la salud publica en elvirreinato del Perú. La metodología utilizada fue la narraciónhistórica siguiendo el método heurístico y hermenéutico,utilizando fuentes primarias documentales de archivoshistóricos peruanos y españoles. El resultado obtenido fueconfirmar que el Protomedicato veló por la salud de losvecinos y que tenía carácter administrativo judicial y susfunciones principales fueron regularizar la labor de los queejercieran cualquier tipo de atención sanitaria, otorgandolicencias, fijando aranceles y vigilando el trabajo realizadoen las boticas y la calidad de los medicamentos, a través devisitas periódicas. La conclusión determina que hubo mejorassanitarias como consecuencia de la gestión del Protomedicatoen el virreinato del Perú, proponiendo medidas salubrese, incluso, disponía la movilización de personal médico através del virreinato y participaba ante cualquier consultade otras entidades coloniales, como el cabildo, referentes asalud pública, como eliminación de acequias, declaraciónde pestes, y otros.(AU)

The objective of this research is to know the role that theProtomedicato played in public health in the viceroyaltyof Peru. The methodology used was historical narrationfollowing the heuristic and hermeneutic method, usingprimary documentary sources from Peruvian and Spanishhistorical archives. The result obtained was to confirm thatthe Protomedicato looked after the health of the neighborsand that it had a judicial administrative nature and its main functions were to regularize the work of those whocarried out any type of health care, granting licenses, settingtariffs and monitoring the work carried out in pharmaciesand the quality of medicines, through periodic visits. Theconclusion determines that there were health improvementsas a consequence of the management of the Protomedicato inthe viceroyalty of Peru, proposing health measures and evenordered the mobilization of medical personnel throughoutthe viceroyalty and participated in any consultation fromother colonial entities, such as the council, referring to publichealth, such as elimination of ditches, declaration of pests,and others.(AU)

O objetivo desta pesquisa é conhecer o papel que o Protomedicatodesempenhou na saúde pública no vice-reinado do Peru. Ametodologia utilizada foi a narração histórica seguindo o métodoheurístico e hermenêutico, utilizando fontes documentaisprimárias de arquivos históricos peruanos e espanhóis. Oresultado obtido foi confirmar que o Protomedicato zelava pelasaúde dos vizinhos e que tinha caráter administrativo judiciale suas principais funções eram regularizar o trabalho de quemrealizava qualquer tipo de assistência à saúde, concedendolicenças, fixando tarifas e acompanhamento do trabalhorealizado nas farmácias e da qualidade dos medicamentos,através de visitas periódicas. A conclusão determina quehouve melhorias na saúde como consequência da gestão doProtomedicato no vice-reinado do Peru, propondo medidassanitárias e ainda ordenou a mobilização de pessoal médicoem todo o vice-reinado e participou de qualquer consultade outras entidades coloniais, como o conselho. , referentesà saúde pública, como eliminação de valas, declaração depragas, entre outros.(AU)

Humans , History, 16th Century , Public Health/history , Heuristics , Hermeneutics , Physicians , Peru
Med. clín. soc ; 8(1)abr. 2024.
Article in Spanish | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550531


La salud en la frontera presenta una serie de desafíos y oportunidades para el bienestar de las comunidades fronterizas. Estas zonas geográficas, donde los límites políticos y territoriales se entrelazan, enfrentan problemas de salud únicos que requieren enfoques innovadores y colaborativos. Uno de los desafíos principales es el acceso limitado a servicios de atención médica de calidad. Las comunidades fronterizas a menudo carecen de infraestructuras de salud adecuadas, incluyendo hospitales y clínicas, lo que dificulta el acceso a servicios esenciales. Además, las barreras lingüísticas y culturales pueden dificultar aún más la comunicación entre los proveedores de salud y los pacientes, lo que limita la calidad de la atención. A pesar de estos desafíos, también existen oportunidades para mejorar la salud en la frontera. La colaboración transfronteriza puede ser una herramienta poderosa para abordar los problemas de salud comunes. Los países vecinos pueden compartir recursos, conocimientos y mejores prácticas para fortalecer los sistemas de salud en ambos lados de la frontera. Esto incluye la promoción de la formación y capacitación conjunta de profesionales de la salud, el intercambio de información epidemiológica y la armonización de políticas de salud. Además, las comunidades fronterizas pueden aprovechar su diversidad cultural y su conocimiento tradicional para mejorar la atención médica.

Border health presents a series of challenges and opportunities for border communities' well-being. These geographic areas, where political and territorial boundaries are intertwined, face unique health issues that require innovative and collaborative approaches. One of the main challenges is limited access to quality health care services. Border communities often lack adequate health infrastructure, including hospitals and clinics, which makes it difficult to access essential services. In addition, language and cultural barriers can further hinder communication between healthcare providers and patients, thereby limiting the quality of care. Despite these challenges, there are opportunities to improve border health. Cross-border collaboration can be a powerful tool for addressing common health problems. Neighboring countries can share resources, knowledge, and best practices to strengthen their health systems on both sides of their borders. This includes the promotion of joint education and training of health professionals, exchange of epidemiological information, and harmonization of health policies. In addition, border communities can take advantage of cultural diversity and traditional knowledge to improve healthcare.

Farm Hosp ; 2024 Apr 05.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38582665


Heart failure is a prevalent syndrome with high mortality rates, representing a significant economic burden in terms of healthcare. The lack of systematic information about the treatment and adherence of patients with heart failure limits the understanding of these aspects and potentially the improvement of clinical outcomes. OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical characteristics, therapeutic management, adherence, persistence and clinical results, as well as the association between these variables, in a cohort of patients with heart failure in Andalusia. DESIGN: This study will be an observational, population-based, retrospective cohort study. Data of patients discharged from an Andalusian hospital with a diagnosis of heart failure between 2014 and 2023 will be extracted from the Andalusian population health database. ANALYSIS: The statistical analysis will incorporate the following strategies: 1) Descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the population cohort, adherence measures, and clinical outcomes. 2) Bivariate analyses to study the association of covariates with adherence, persistence and clinical results. 3) Multivariate logistic regression and Cox regression analysis including relevant covariates. 4) To evaluate changes over time, multivariate Poisson regression models will be used. By conducting this comprehensive study, we aim to gain valuable insights into the clinical characteristics, treatment management, and adherence of heart failure patients in Andalusia, as well as to identify factors that may influence clinical outcomes. These findings could be critical both for the development of optimized strategies that improve medical care and quality of life of patients and for mitigating the health burden of HF in the region.

Rev. colomb. anestesiol ; 52(1)mar. 2024.
Article in English | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1535713


It is discussed the relevance of quantitative approaches, specifically mathematical modelling in epidemiology, in the public health decision-making process. This topic is discussed here based on the experience of various experts in mathematical epidemiology and public health. First, the definition of mathematical modelling is presented, especially in the context of epidemiology. Second, the different uses and socio-political implications, including empirical examples of recent experiences that have taken place at the international level are addressed. Finally, some general considerations regarding the challenges encountered in the use and application of mathematical modelling in epidemiology in the decision-making process at the local and national levels.

Se trata sobre la importancia de los abordajes cuantitativos, específicamente la formulación de modelos matemáticos en epidemiología, dentro del proceso de toma de decisiones en salud pública. Esta importante temática se analiza basándose en la experiencia de algunos expertos en epidemiología matemática y salud pública. En primer lugar, se presenta la definición de modelación matemática, particularmente dentro del contexto de la epidemiología. En segundo lugar, se abordan los diferentes usos y las implicaciones socio-políticas, incluyendo ejemplos de experiencias recientes que han ocurrido a nivel internacional. Finalmente, se hace referencia a ciertas consideraciones generales respecto a los retos que representa el uso y la aplicación de modelos matemáticos en epidemiología para el proceso de toma de decisiones a nivel local y nacional.

Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 15(supl.1): 1-6, mar. 2024.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF - Nursing | ID: biblio-1532836


Objetivo: Descrever as práticas dos enfermeiros em nossa sociedade e sob as circunstâncias que podem contribuir para a inclusão das práticas avançadas. Métodos: Estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa e delineamento transversal, sob a perspectiva da teoria do materialismo histórico-dialético de Karl Marx, estruturada pela utilização do instrumento COREQ. Resultados: O campo de atuação do enfermeiro na atenção primária à saúde é diversificado, extrapola os muros do consultório. Muitas vezes o dinamismo das atividades traduz o empenho de obter os melhores resultados por meio de sua assistência. E o materialismo histórico-dialético reflete justamente a busca por uma assistência de qualidade e as mudanças no ambiente laboral, onde a interação de diversos fatores contribuem de forma direta no ambiente laboral e social. Conclusão: Os enfermeiros da atenção primária à saúde brasileira atuam nos mais diversos territórios, desse modo, precisam dinamizar os seus atendimentos para contemplar as necessidades sociais. Perante esses aspectos, as diversidades sociodemográficas brasileiras demonstraram que a escassez de recursos em regiões remotas é um dos fatores que fortalece a inclusão das práticas avançadas de enfermagem na atenção primária à saúde no Brasil. (AU)

Objective: To describe the practices of nurses in our society and under circumstances that may contribute to the inclusion of advanced practices. Methods: Descriptive study, with a qualitative approach and cross-sectional design, from the perspective of Karl Marx's dialectical historical materialism theory, structured by using the COREQ instrument. Results: The nurse's field of action in primary health care is diverse, it goes beyond the walls of the office. Often the dynamism of activities translates the effort to obtain the best results through their assistance. And dialectical historical materialism precisely reflects the search for quality care and changes in the work environment, where the interaction of several factors directly contribute to the work and social environment. Conclusion: Brazilian primary health care nurses work in the most diverse territories, therefore, they need to streamline their care to address social needs. In view of these aspects, Brazilian sociodemographic diversity has shown that the scarcity of resources in remote regions is one of the factors that strengthens the inclusion of advanced nursing practices in primary health care in Brazil. (AU)

Objetivo: Describir las prácticas de los enfermeros en nuestra sociedad y en circunstancias que puedan contribuir a la inclusión de prácticas avanzadas. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo y diseño transversal, desde la perspectiva de la teoría del materialismo histórico dialéctico de Karl Marx, estructurado mediante el uso del instrumento COREQ. Resultados: El campo de actuación del enfermero en la atención primaria de salud es diverso, va más allá de las paredes del consultorio. Muchas veces el dinamismo de las actividades se traduce en el esfuerzo por obtener los mejores resultados a través de su asistencia. Y el materialismo histórico dialéctico refleja precisamente la búsqueda de cuidados de calidad y cambios en el ambiente laboral, donde la interacción de varios factores contribuyen directamente al ambiente laboral y social. Conclusión: Las enfermeras brasileñas de atención primaria de salud actúan en los más diversos territorios, por lo tanto, necesitan optimizar su atención para atender las necesidades sociales. Frente a estos aspectos, la diversidad sociodemográfica brasileña ha demostrado que la escasez de recursos en regiones remotas es uno de los factores que fortalece la inclusión de prácticas avanzadas de enfermería en la atención primaria de salud en Brasil. (AU)

Nurses, Male , Primary Health Care , Public Health Nursing , Environment
Gac Sanit ; 2024 Mar 06.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38519323


The first detection of the tiger mosquito, Aedes (Stegomyia) albopictus (Skuse, 1894), in the autonomous community of Galicia (Spain) is reported. The finding has been possible thanks to the collaboration between citizens, the citizen science application Mosquito Alert and the Rede Galega de Vixilancia de Vectores (ReGaViVec). At the beginning of August 2023, a same person submitted through the app several reports consistent with the tiger mosquito in the municipality of Moaña, in Pontevedra. The ReGaViVec entomological team confirmed the species and conducted vector surveillance in the area by placing traps (11 ovitraps and 3 BG-Sentinel 2 with BG-Lure attractant) with a weekly collection frequency. This finding represents the most northwestern detection of the tiger mosquito in the Iberian Peninsula and shows the crucial role of citizen science in vector surveillance.

Med Clin (Barc) ; 2024 Mar 26.
Article in English, Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38538430


INTRODUCTION AND OBJECTIVES: Smoking is associated with various health risks, including cancer, cardiovascular disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. In this retrospective cohort study, we aimed to determine whether smoking is harmful to the whole metabolic system. METHODS: We collected data from 340 randomly selected participants who were divided into three groups: smokers (n=137), non-smokers (n=134), and ex-smokers (n=69). We obtained information on participants' body mass index, waist circumference, indicators of glucose metabolism, lipid metabolism, bone metabolism, and uric acid from health screen data during the past three years. A cluster analysis was used to synthesize each participant's overall metabolic characteristics. RESULTS: According to the cluster analysis, the 340 participants were divided into three groups: excellent metabolizers (137, 40.3%), adverse metabolizers (32, 9.4%), and intermediate metabolizers (171, 50.3%). The Chi-squared test analysis shows that people with different smoking statuses have different metabolic patterns. Non-smokers had the highest proportion of excellent metabolizers (56%), and current smokers had the highest proportion of adverse metabolizers (15.3%). The proportion of adverse metabolizers (5.8%) in the ex-smoker group was clinically relevantly lower than that of current smokers. CONCLUSION: The statistically significant differences in the distribution of smokers into different metabolic clusters indicate that smoking has adverse effects on the whole metabolic system of the human body, which further increases the existing global burden of metabolic disorders.

Glob Health Promot ; : 17579759241230061, 2024 Mar 27.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38539284


OBJETIVO: comprender las representaciones de las masculinidades en las políticas públicas de salud en Chile. MÉTODO: desde un diseño metodológico cualitativo, se realizó una revisión documental de programas y políticas del área de la salud sexual y reproductiva, salud mental, violencia y ciclo vital, incluyendo adicionalmente el análisis de 10 entrevistas realizadas a trabajadores de la salud, actores claves y expertos. Se realizó un análisis de contenido temático, utilizando software NVivo. RESULTADOS: los principales resultados constatan que la presencia masculina es menor que la femenina en las políticas públicas de salud, y que las representaciones de los varones suelen tener una perspectiva socio-comportamental donde se concibe que la masculinidad es perjudicial para la salud. CONCLUSIÓN: los hallazgos instan a incluir una mirada inclusiva de hombres y masculinidades, su contexto social y capacidad de cambio a fin de poder abordar vulnerabilidades y necesidades específicas de la salud de hombres en Chile.

Preprint in Portuguese | SciELO Preprints | ID: pps-8048


Introduction: The Covid-19 pandemic surprised even the most economically developed nations. The surprise was not the emergence of a new pandemic, which was already on the horizon of the most attentive health professionals, but its intensity and effects in all countries, even the richest ones. In terms of response, although initiatives such as the COVAX Mechanism (WHO) were encouraged by everyone, they were not sufficient to guarantee minimally fair conditions for responses to the pandemic around the world. Objective: to critically analyze the experience of the COVAX Facility project as an international solidarity project. Discussion: The effects of colonial and neocolonial exploitation and coloniality preserve injustices in political relations and prevent a fairer distribution of resources to combat the pandemic. Pandemics such as Covid-19 have exposed the exploitative nature of globalization: the circulation of goods, people and services around the world generates a vector of capital accumulation directed at central countries, and its effects, for example, the spread of infectious diseases with high infectivity, they penalize the poorest countries even more. Inequalities in access to vaccines and health services between countries are unfair and constitute fertile ground for new viral strains that can be even more transmissible and of greater severity. Final considerations: The social determinants of the health and disease process must be considered when planning responses to health emergencies, both locally and internationally, recognizing that the protection of citizens and communities must be recognized as an ethical imperative. The Anthropocene is a reality, and it is necessary to take care of the planet as a whole, with effectively solidary actions, in terms of reflective solidarity as Dean suggests, if we want to avoid collapse.

Introducción: La pandemia de Covid-19 sorprendió incluso a las naciones económicamente más desarrolladas. La sorpresa no fue la aparición de una nueva pandemia, que ya estaba en el horizonte de los profesionales sanitarios más atentos, sino su intensidad y efectos en todos los países, incluso en los más ricos. En términos de respuesta, si bien iniciativas como el Mecanismo COVAX (OMS) fueron alentadas por todos, no fueron suficientes para garantizar condiciones mínimamente justas para las respuestas a la pandemia en todo el mundo. Objetivo: analizar críticamente la experiencia del proyecto COVAX Facility como proyecto de solidaridad internacional. Discusión: Los efectos de la explotación colonial y neocolonial y la colonialidad preservan las injusticias en las relaciones políticas e impiden una distribución más justa de los recursos para combatir la pandemia. Pandemias como la Covid-19 han puesto de manifiesto el carácter explotador de la globalización: la circulación de bienes, personas y servicios en todo el mundo genera un vector de acumulación de capital dirigido a los países centrales, y sus efectos, por ejemplo, la propagación de enfermedades infecciosas con alta infectividad, penalizan aún más a los países más pobres. Las desigualdades en el acceso a vacunas y servicios de salud entre países son injustas y constituyen un terreno fértil para nuevas cepas virales que pueden ser aún más transmisibles y de mayor gravedad. Consideraciones finales: Se deben considerar los determinantes sociales del proceso de salud y enfermedad al planificar respuestas a emergencias de salud, tanto a nivel local como internacional, reconociendo que la protección de los ciudadanos y las comunidades debe ser reconocida como un imperativo ético. El Antropoceno es una realidad, y es necesario cuidar el planeta en su conjunto, con acciones efectivamente solidarias, en términos de solidaridad reflexiva como sugiere Dean, si queremos evitar el colapso.

Introdução: A pandemia da Covid-19 surpreendeu até as nações economicamente mais desenvolvidas. A surpresa não foi o surgimento de uma nova pandemia, que já estava no horizonte dos sanitaristas mais atentos, mas a sua intensidade e efeitos em todos os países, mesmo nos mais ricos. Em termos de resposta, embora iniciativas como o Mecanismo COVAX (OMS) tenham sido encorajadas por todos, não foram suficientes para garantir condições minimamente justas para respostas à pandemia em todo o mundo. Objetivo: analisar criticamente a experiência do projeto COVAX Facility como projeto de solidariedade internacional. Discussão: Os efeitos da exploração colonial e neocolonial e da colonialidade preservam as injustiças nas relações políticas e impedem uma distribuição mais justa de recursos para combater a pandemia. Pandemias como a Covid-19 expuseram o carácter explorador da globalização: a circulação de bens, pessoas e serviços em todo o mundo gera um vector de acumulação de capital dirigido aos países centrais, e os seus efeitos, por exemplo, a propagação de doenças infecciosas com elevada infectividade , penalizam ainda mais os países mais pobres. As desigualdades no acesso às vacinas e aos serviços de saúde entre os países são injustas e constituem um terreno fértil para novas cepas virais que podem ser ainda mais transmissíveis e com maior gravidade. Considerações finais: Os determinantes sociais do processo de saúde e doença devem ser considerados no planejamento de respostas às emergências de saúde, tanto localmente como internacional, reconhecendo que a proteção dos cidadãos e das comunidades deve ser reconhecida como um imperativo ético. O Antropoceno é uma realidade, e é necessário cuidar do planeta na totalidade, com ações efetivamente solidárias, em termos da solidariedade reflexiva como sugere Dean, se quisermos evitar o colapso.

Gac Sanit ; 38: 102375, 2024 Mar 07.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38458042


The independent evaluation report on the performance of the National Health System in the face of the COVID crisis is rigorous, well thought out and well executed. It has benefited from the participation of numerous experts and institutions. The altruistic effort of the coordinators and hundreds of experts, professionals and citizens is noteworthy, which does not justify the asymmetry between "everything for free" when it comes to shared intelligence, and market prices when it comes to commissioning reports from consultancy firms that are sometimes not worth the cost. The valuable work has suffered from unexplained delays and delayed dissemination that do not bode well for whether there is interest in learning from the pandemic or leaving it behind and forgetting it. Indeed, valuable reports provided by the public administration itself (listed in the report) have still not been made public, despite the request of the coordinators. However, the mere fact that the evaluation has been carried out under the influence and pressure of scientists and professionals should encourage the actions of civil society organisations. Advocacy is needed to ensure that public administrations see collective intelligence as an invaluable resource to be nurtured and stimulated. Regular accountability of executive powers at all levels needs to be pursued vigorously. Many sensible proposals to improve healthcare have been ignored, but we learned that achievements are made with perseverance. It is not an option, it is part of the core business of public health.

Comunidad (Barc., Internet) ; 25(3)Nov.2023 - Feb.2024. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228763


El pueblo gitano presenta desigualdades sociales que generan peores resultados en salud que el conjunto de la población española. Se describe el proceso de creación del Servicio de Mediación de Salud Pública con la Comunidad Gitana, pionero en la Consejería de Sanidad de la Comunidad de Madrid, mostrando sus competencias dirigidas a disminuir dichas desigualdades. Los resultados de su trabajo, enmarcado en la praxis de la mediación intercultural y la intervención comunitaria, validan la necesidad de contar con profesionales de la mediación intercultural en salud pública. (AU)

The Roma people have social inequalities that lead to worse health outcomes than the Spanish population as a whole. We report the process to create the Public Health Mediation Service with the Roma Community, pioneer in the Community of Madrid Health Department. We also reveal its competences aimed at reducing said inequalities. The results of its work, framed in the practice of intercultural mediation and community intervention, validate the need for intercultural mediation professionals in the field of public health. (AU)

Humans , Cultural Competency , Culturally Competent Care , Public Health , Vulnerability Study , Roma
Comunidad (Barc., Internet) ; 25(3): 73-79, Nov.2023 - Feb.2024.
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-228765


Introducción. En Asunción existe una zona geográfica llamada Bañados, en esta zona se conforman los llamados «cinturones de pobreza», donde el trabajo informal se impone como principal medio de sustento. El oficio del reciclaje corresponde a uno de los trabajos informales más practicados. Objetivos. Describir aspectos de la zona donde desarrollan su vida trabajadora de la recolección. Incorporar elementos de resignificación positiva acerca del trabajo de reciclaje a mujeres recicladoras organizadas o no del Bañado Sur de la ciudad de Asunción, Paraguay. Material y métodos. Se realizaron 28 encuentros con 153 mujeres agrupadas en 7 grupos, durante el período del 2019 al 2022. La muestra fue seleccionada fue por conveniencia. Se eligió la modalidad de «taller» debido a las prácticas ya conocidas y aceptadas por la comunidad. Resultados. Se realizó conjuntamente la clasificación de la basura o residuos urbanos en sus categorías orgánica/inorgánica/tóxica, pero también en una clasificación más cercana a su realidad concreta. Se identificó cómo son las relaciones familiares y comunitarias, las preocupaciones por los hijos e hijas, el cambio climático, las inundaciones, las viviendas precarias, el acceso al agua, la inseguridad en el barrio y la problemática de drogas en la comunidad. Conclusión. Las jornadas se desarrollaron con mujeres recicladoras organizadas, miembros de una organización civil, que residen en el Bañado Sur – Tacumbú, Asunción (Paraguay). Durante el proceso se logró acercar a los grupos de mujeres que han podido participar de la experiencia, una resignificación positiva del trabajo y su rol en la sociedad, mediante el diálogo. (AU)

Introduction. In Asunción there is a geographic area called Bañados. They make up the so-called “poverty belts”, where informal work is laid down as the main means of support. The job of recycling is one of the most performed informal jobs. Aims. To report aspects of the area where collection workers go about their lives. Incorporate elements of positive new meaning about the recycling work to organized or disorganized women recyclers from Bañado Sur in the city of Asunción, Paraguay. Methods. In total 28 meetings were held with 153 women grouped into seven groups, during the period from 2019 to 2022. The sample was selected by convenience. The “workshop” modality was chosen due to the practices already known and accepted by the community. Results. Garbage or urban waste could be classified together in its organic/inorganic/toxic categories but also in a classification more akin to its specific reality. Family and community relationships, concerns for children, climate change, floods, precarious housing, access to water, insecurity in the neighbourhood and drug problems in the community were all identified. Conclusion. The sessions were held with organized women recyclers, members of a civil organization residing in Bañado Sur – Tacumbú, Asunción, Paraguay. During the process, it was possible to bring together the groups of women who were able to take part in the experience, a positive new meaning for work and their role in society, by means of dialogue. (AU)

Humans , Female , Recycling , Social Planning , Risk Groups , Community Networks , Public Health
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202402002, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231345


Fundamentos: Durante la pandemia de la COVID-19 se implementaron medidas de prevención con el propósito de reducir su transmisión comunitaria. El grado de cumplimiento con estas medidas estuvo influenciado por diversos factores sociodemográficos y ambientales. Sin embargo, existe escasa literatura científica que aborde el cumplimiento de las medidas preventivas en la población general. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la asociación entre factores sociodemográficos y ambientales, así como la adhesión al uso de mascarillas en contactos estrechos. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 1.778 individuos, identificados mediante el rastreo de contactos estrechos de personas con SARS-CoV-2 por la Central de Coordinación de la COVID-19 de Mallorca, entre febrero y junio de 2021. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo y se utilizó un modelo de regresión logística para determinar los factores asociados al incumplimiento del uso de mascarillas.Resultados: La edad media de los participantes fue de 42,8±17,4 años (53,6% de mujeres). El 60,8% (IC 95%: 57,8-62,3) de los contactos estrechos no utilizó mascarilla durante su contacto. No se observaron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en función del sexo o grupo etario (p=0,497 y p=0,536, respectivamente). Las situaciones de mayor incumplimiento con el uso de mascarillas se dieron en el entorno domiciliario, espacios cerrados sin ventilación y al mantener distancias cortas (p<0,001). Conclusiones: Nuestros hallazgos indican una menor adhesión al uso de mascarillas en escenarios de mayor riesgo. Frente a futuras situaciones de crisis sanitaria, se deberían diseñar intervenciones que realcen la conciencia sobre los riesgos y que promuevan una mayor adhesión a medidas de prevención y control.(AU)

Background: During COVID-19 pandemic, prevention measures were implemented to mitigate the community transmission of SARS-CoV-2. Compliance with these measures was influenced by several sociodemographic and environmental factors. However, literature addressing compliance with these prevention measures among the general population remains limited. The study aimed to assess the association of sociodemographic and environmental factors and mask usage during close contact situations. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted with a sample of 1,778 individuals identified through close contact tracing of indivi-duals diagnosed with SARS-CoV-2 by the COVID-19 Coordination Center of Mallorca, from February to June 2021. A descriptive analysis was conducted, and a logistic regression model was utilized to evaluate factors associated with mask non-compliance. Results: The mean age of the participants was 42.8±17.4 years, with 53.6% being female. Among close contacts, 60.8% (95% CI: 57.8-62.3) did not use masks during their contact. No significant differences were observed between genders or across age groups (p=0.497 and p=0.536, respectively). Factors linked to mask non-compliance included the home setting, indoor spaces without venti-lation, and closer physical distances (p<0.001). Conclusions: Our findings indicate that mask adherence was notably lower among close contacts exposed to higher risk. In future public health crises, interventions should be developed to raise awareness about risks and promote adherence to preventive and control measures.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Masks , Personal Protection , /prevention & control , Respiratory Tract Diseases/prevention & control , Disease Prevention , Public Health , /epidemiology , Public Health Surveillance , Spain , Cross-Sectional Studies
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202402003, Feb. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231346


Fundamentos: la obesidad infantil representa un grave problema de salud pública y, dado su carácter multifactorial y sus consecuencias, resulta necesario llevar a cabo un abordaje eficaz. El sistema de autonomías español, con competencias delegadas, podría acentuar la desigualdad en su abordaje. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la existencia o no de dichas desigualdades. Métodos: se llevó a cabo un estudio transversal descriptivo, entre los meses de febrero-abril de 2022, en el que se comparó el abordaje de la obesidad infantil entre las diecisiete comunidades y dos ciudades autónomas, mediante el análisis de los siguientes indicadores: personal de pediatría; enfermería pediátrica; personal de nutrición y su reconocimiento legal; existencia de planes integrales; y gasto sanitario para obesidad infantil. La búsqueda de información se realizó mediante revisión bibliográfica y solicitud de acceso a información pública a las correspondientes consejerías autonómicas. Hubo cálculo de ratios de pediatras y enfermeros por 1.000 habitantes y gasto sanitario por habitante. Resultados: se observó que a nivel nacional los pediatras poseen una ratio acorde a las recomendaciones internacionales (1,21), no así enfermería general y pediátrica (con una ratio de 0,65, que equivale a aproximadamente 1.544 habitantes por cada enfermera), ni el personal de nutrición. Entre comunidades autónomas se apreciaron grandes variaciones para las tres categorías. Los planes integrales de abordaje se encontraron desactualizados o, directamente, ausentes, al igual que el análisis periódico del gasto derivado de la obesidad.Conclusiones: el abordaje de la obesidad infantil parece variar de forma considerable entre autonomías según los indicadores analizados. Por ello, sería recomendable encauzar todos los esfuerzos en homogenizarlo, para mejorar la calidad asistencial e igualar las oportunidades de prevención y tratamiento en todo el ámbito nacional.(au)

Background: childhood obesity represents a serious public health problem and given its multifactorial nature and its con-sequences; it is necessary to carry out an effective approach. The spanish system of autonomies, with delegated powers, could accentuate inequality in its approach. The objective of the study was to know the existence or not of these inequalities. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out between the months of february-april 2022, in which the approach to childhood obesity was compared among the seventeen communities and two autonomous cities, through the analysis of the following indicators: pediatric staff, pediatric nursing, nutrition personnel and their legal recognition, the existence of comprehensive plans and health expenditure on childhood obesity. The search for information has been carried out through a bibliographic review and a request for access to public information to the corresponding regional councils. It were performed ratios of paediatricians and nurses per 1,000 inhabitants and health expenditure per inhabitant were calculated.results: it was observed that in spain paediatricians have a ratio according to international recommendations (1.21), but not ge-neral and paediatric nursing (with a ratio of 0.65, which is equivalent to approximately 1,544 inhabitants for each nurse), and nutrition professionals. Among autonomies there were large variations for the three categories. Comprehensive plans were outdated or absent altogether, as well as the periodic analysis of obesity expenditure. Conclusions: the approach to childhood obesity seems to vary considerably among autonomies according to the analysed indicators. Thus, it would be advisable to lead all efforts to homogenize it, to improve care quality and prevention and treatment choices in all national regions.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Primary Prevention , Pediatric Obesity/prevention & control , Child Nutrition , Community Medicine , Pediatric Nursing , Nutritionists , Public Health , Disease Prevention , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Pediatrics , Health Expenditures
Rev. esp. salud pública ; 98: e202402004, Feb. 2024. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | IBECS | ID: ibc-231347


Fundamentos: el consumo de alcohol es un problema de salud pública que impacta en la esfera de la salud, tanto como a nivel social y económico. Fueron objetivos del presente estudio describir las características de las urgencias hospitalarias relacionadas con consumo de alcohol (rca) en una zona de alto turismo lúdico, y las implicaciones de la pandemia de la covid-19 en dicha actividad .Métodos: se realizó un estudio transversal descriptivo de periodo de la actividad de urgencias rca en el área hospitalaria costa del sol durante los años 2019 a 2021. Se realizó un análisis descriptivo estratificado según el periodo de la pandemia de la covid-19, incluyendo el cálculo de la incidencia de urgencias rca atendidas diariamente. Se realizó análisis descriptivo evaluando diferencias entre los tres periodos mediante el test de ji-cuadrado para variables cualitativas, y el test de kruskal-wallis para las cuantitativas. Resultados: en el periodo de estudio se registraron 479.204 urgencias hospitalarias, de las cuales el 0,51% se identificaron como urgencia rca, con un promedio de 2,2 diarias. Dicha cifra osciló entre 2,7 urgencias diarias en periodo de normalidad, 1 durante el confinamiento y 2,1 en periodo de nueva normalidad. La tasa de urgencias rca del periodo evaluado fue de 16,5 por cada 10.000 habitantes/año. Conclusiones: las personas atendidas por consumo de alcohol de nuestra serie tienen un perfil habitual en cuanto a edad (adulto) y sexo (varones), aunque con un peso relativamente elevado de pacientes extranjeros. Las restricciones por el confinamiento durante la pandemia por la covid-19 tienen un impacto positivo en la atención urgente de pacientes rca, aunque correlacionado con un descenso generalizado de la actividad asistencial no relacionada con la covid-19.(AU)

Background: alcohol consumption is a public health problem that impacts the health, social and economic spheres. The objec-tives of this study were to describe the characteristics of alcohol-related emergencies (ari) in an area of high recreational tourism, and the implications of the covid-19 pandemic on this activity. Methods: a descriptive cross-sectional study of the period of ari emergency activity in the costa del sol hospital area during the years 2019-2021 was carried out. A stratified descriptive analysis was performed according to the covid-19 pandemic period, including the calculation of the incidence of ari emergencies attended daily. Descriptive analysis was performed evaluating differences between the three periods using the chi-square test for qualitative variables, and the kruskal-wallis test for quantitative variables. Results: during the study period, 479,204 hospital emergencies were recorded, of which 0.51% were identified as ari emergen-cies, with an average of 2.2 per day. This figure ranged from 2.7 emergencies per day during normality, 1 during confinement and 2.1 during new normality. The rate of ari emergencies for the period evaluated was 16.5 per 10,000 inhabitants/year. Conclusions: the patients treated for alcohol consumption in our series have a typical profile in terms of age (adult) and sex (male), although with a high relative weight of foreign patients. Restrictions due to confinement during the covid-19 pandemic have a positive impact on the emergency care of ari patients, although correlated with a generalised decrease in non-covid-19 related care activity.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Alcohol Drinking , /epidemiology , Emergency Medical Services , 51675 , Cross-Sectional Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Public Health
Gac Sanit ; 38: 102364, 2024 Feb 28.
Article in Spanish | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38422945


The recent health crises have highlighted the weakness of public health structures in Spain. The causes are, among others, the scarcity of economic resources and the delay in their institutional modernization. In addition, there is the weakness of the training processes and the employability. The Spanish Society of Public Health and Health Administration (SESPAS) has developed a White paper of the public health profession with the aim of contributing to strengthening professional practice. The sociodemographic characteristics of the associations federated to SESPAS have been described and the discourse of professionals has been analyzed through six focus groups and 19 interviews (72 people). To agree on the conclusions and recommendations, a meeting was organized with the participation of 29 participants. The demographic and employment data of the 3467 people belonging to seven SESPAS societies show that, overall, about 60% are women and 40% were under 50 years of age. Undergraduate degrees were medicine (35.9%), nursing (17.4%) and pharmacy and veterinary medicine (10.4%). Key aspects of the meaning of public health, training, employability and career and institutionalization of public health were collected through interviews and focus groups. The final meeting agreed on 25 conclusions and 24 recommendations that aim to contribute to strengthening professionals and the public health profession in Spain. Some of them, related to training, employability and professional career, have been shared in a workshop at the School of Public Health of Menorca with public health officials from the Ministry of Health and some autonomous communities.

Aten Primaria ; 56(6): 102875, 2024 Feb 12.
Article in English | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38350365


OBJECTIVE: Sex workers can be disadvantaged in terms of overall health due to challenging living and working conditions. This research aimed to evaluate the health status and experiences related to sexually transmitted infections (STDs) of unregistered transgender sex workers in Turkey. DESIGN: It employed a phenomenological qualitative research design. SITE: Data were collected in Istanbul between March 2021 and November 2021. PARTICIPANTS: Data were collected through in-depth interviews involving 24 people (19 sex workers and 5 physicians). METHODS: Key statements were listed during data analysis, and clusters of meanings were formed based on these statements. The participants' statements were used for contextual and structural descriptions. RESULTS: Sex workers suffer from chronic illnesses such as asthma, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), diabetes, allergic diseases, and neurological disorders. Among the health issues affecting them, the most notable ones are STDs, psychological problems, and the risk of suicide. Sex workers also face a dilemma between choosing public hospitals and private hospitals. Majority of sex workers undergo regular testing for STDs, with the frequency varying from person to person. Reasons for not undergoing regular testing include lack of social security coverage, financial constraints, lack of information, and feeling undervalued. Some individuals are being subjected to mandatory testing. CONCLUSIONS: It is recommended that sex workers who seek and request healthcare services should be provided with detailed information and education, particularly regarding psychological problems and STDs.

Med. U.P.B ; 43(1): 22-46, ene.-jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1531454


Objetivo: revisar la literatura existente indagando por los tipos de lesión o enfermedad que se han identificado en supervivientes de artefactos explosivos improvisados (AEI), así como aspectos individuales y colectivos relacionados con la protección o destrucción de la salud humana enfrentada a los AEI. Metodología: revisión sistemática exploratoria de literatura publicada en bases de datos, como PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, JSTOR, OpenGrey y Google Scholar, entre 2001 a 2021 en cualquier localización geográfica. Se incluyeron artículos de investigación, de revisión o reflexión, libros o capítulos de libro de investigación e informes técnicos, en inglés, español, francés y portugués. Resultados: cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión y fueron revisados 76 documentos. Se han reportado múltiples lesiones asociadas al uso de los AEI, sin que exista un patrón característico de lesión o enfermedad; no obstante, la lesión más común es la amputación bilateral de miembros inferiores. En supervivientes se ha encontrado que el personal militar afectado suele mostrar una mayor capacidad de resiliencia, calidad de vida, tratamiento oportuno y capacidad física funcional más alta, comparado con civiles. El apoyo social genera efectos positivos en la salud y bienestar de los afectados. Conclusiones: los AEI generan múltiples afectaciones a la salud humana, físicas y psicosociales, los cuales requieren una atención integral y multidisciplinaria para el tratamiento, rehabilitación y reintegración de los supervivientes. Los aspectos protectores y destructivos identificados se encuentran asociados a mejores o peores resultados en la salud, existe una representación desigual entre civiles y militares.

Objective: to review the existing literature where we inquired for injury types or illness identified in victims of improvised explosive devices (IED), and also to look for individual and collective processes described in literature in relation with the protection or destruction of human's health and IEDs. Methodology: exploratory systematic review of the literature published on PubMed, SciELO, LILACS, JSTOR, OpenGrey and Google Scholar databases between 2001 and 2022, in any geographic location. We included research, review and opinion articles, books and book chapters reporting research results, and final technical reports in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese. Results: 76 documents met the inclusion criteria and were reviewed. Multiple types of injuries have been reported in relation with the use of IEDs, without a characteristic pattern of injury or disease reported; however, the most common injury is bilateral lower limb amputation. In survivors it has been found that affected military personnel tend to show greater resilience capacity, better quality of life, timely treatment, and higher functional physical capacity, compared to civilians. Social support generates positive health effects and wellness of people affected by IED. Conclusion: IEDs generate multiple effects on human health, both physical and psychosocial, which is why comprehensive and multidisciplinary care is required for the treatment, rehabilitation, and reintegration of their victims. The protective and destructive processes identified are associated with better or worse health outcomes, with unequal representation between civilians and military personnel.

Objetivo: Revisar a literatura existente investigando os tipos de lesão ou doença que foram identificados em sobreviventes de artefatos explosivos improvisados ​​(IED), bem como aspectos individuais e coletivos relacionados à proteção ou destruição da saúde humana diante de IEDs. Metodologia: Revisão sistemática exploratória da literatura publicada nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo, Lilacs, JSTORE, Open Gray e Google Acadêmico, entre 2001 e 2021 em qualquer localidade geográfica. Foram incluídos artigos de pesquisa, revisão ou reflexão, livros ou capítulos de livros de pesquisa, relatórios técnicos, em inglês, espanhol, francês e português. Resultados: Atenderam aos critérios de inclusão e foram revisados ​​76 documentos. Múltiplas lesões associadas ao uso de IEDs foram relatadas, sem um padrão característico de lesão ou doença; entretanto, a lesão mais comum é a amputação bilateral de membros inferiores. Nos sobreviventes, verificou-se que os militares acometidos tendem a apresentar maior resiliência, qualidade de vida, tratamento oportuno e maior capacidade física funcional, em comparação aos civis. O apoio social gera efeitos positivos na saúde e bem-estar das pessoas afetadas. Conclusões: Os IEDs geram múltiplos efeitos na saúde humana, física e psicossocial, que requerem atenção integral e multidisciplinar para o tratamento, reabilitação e reintegração dos sobreviventes. Os aspectos protetores e destrutivos identificados estão associados a melhores ou piores resultados de saúde, com representação desigual entre civis e militares.

Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública (Online) ; 47(4): 157-174, 20240131.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1537763


O objetivo deste trabalho é avaliar condições de vida, trabalho e saúde dos pescadores artesanais em um município do Sul do Brasil. É um estudo descritivo que incluiu trabalhadores de pesca com 18 anos ou mais. A entrevista foi realizada face a face e o questionário aplicado era único e padronizado. Continha informações sociodemográficas, condições de pesca, hábitos de vida e saúde. A qualidade de vida foi avaliada pelo WHOQOL-BREF. Foram entrevistados 160 pescadores, com média de idade de 48,9 (± 12,4) anos. A maioria era do sexo masculino (64,4%), com ensino fundamental completo (65,6%) e praticavam arrasto de rede (55,0%). Cerca de um terço deles fazia uso de álcool (38,7%) e 46,8% referiram consumo abusivo nos últimos 30 dias. Um quarto dos pescadores fumava (26,9%) e quase a totalidade tinha prática insuficiente de atividade física (93,1%). Doenças osteomusculares acometeram 65,6% deles e 52,5% sofreram acidente de trabalho. Referente à qualidade de vida, o domínio ambiente apresentou a menor média de escore. Fomentar estudos com esse público-alvo é essencial para implementar ações de prevenção e promoção da saúde, além de políticas de assistência aos pescadores para diminuir vulnerabilidades e garantir qualidade de vida.

This descriptive study evaluates the living, working and health conditions of artisanal fishing workers in a Southern Brazilian city. Fishing workers aged 18 and over were interviewed in person and answered a unique and standardized questionnaire, which covered sociodemographic information, fishing conditions, life habits and health. Quality of life was evaluated by the WHOQOL-bref. A total of 160 fishing workers were interviewed, with a mean age of 48.9 (± 12.4 years). Most were male (64.4%), with complete elementary school (65.6%) and practiced fishing net trawling (55.0%). About a third of them drank alcohol (38.7%), and 46.8% reported abusive consumption in the last 30 days. About a quarter reported smoking (26.9%) and most declared insufficient physical activity (93.1%). Musculoskeletal diseases affected 65.6% of the sample and 52.5% suffered occupational accidents. Regarding quality of life, the environment domain showed the lowest score. Conducting studies with this target population is essential to implement prevention and health promotion actions, as well as aid policies to reduce vulnerabilities and ensure quality of life.

El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar las condiciones de vida, trabajo y salud de los pescadores artesanales de un municipio del Sur de Brasil. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo que incluyó a trabajadores de la pesca con edad igual o superior a 18 años. La entrevista se realizó cara a cara, y el cuestionario aplicado fue único y estandarizado. Y estaba compuesto por información sociodemográfica, condiciones de pesca, hábitos de vida y salud. La calidad de vida se evaluó mediante WHOQOL-BREF. Se realizó entrevistas a 160 pescadores, cuya edad promedio fue de 48,9 (± 12,4) años. La mayoría de ellos eran del sexo masculino (64,4%), tenían estudios primarios completos (65,6%) y practicaban la pesca de arrastre (55,0%). Cerca de un tercio de ellos consumía alcohol (38,7%) y el 46,8% reportó un consumo abusivo en los últimos treinta días. Una cuarta parte de los pescadores reportó fumar (26,9%) y casi todos tenían actividad física insuficiente (93,1%). Las enfermedades musculoesqueléticas afectaron al 65,6% de ellos, y el 52,5% sufrió un accidente de trabajo. En cuanto a la calidad de vida, el dominio ambiente tuvo un puntaje promedio más bajo. Fomentar estudios con este público objetivo es fundamental para implementar acciones de prevención y promoción de la salud, así como políticas de asistencia a los pescadores para reducir vulnerabilidades y asegurarles calidad de vida.
